Monday, July 6, 2009

Because You Asked...4

Question 4: Why aren't all homeschooling topics covered at the convention?

Answer: SHEM aims to give you a well-rounded convention covering many topics each year. Most speakers have an expertise in certain subjects/areas of interests. For instance, the 2009 convention offered the new Teen Tract as there are many homeschoolers that are arriving at that point in their lives where they need the extra information on how to prepare for college and careers. We also look to find speakers who are encouraging and work to excite the family for the upcoming year. Since there are a variety of homeschoolers and a vast array of curriculum, we attempt to offer the greatest balance of each. Finally, we make certain that we have speakers for the legal advice/council needed for the beginning homeschooler.

Suggestion: Be sure to fill out your convention survey each year. These are looked over with great attention and give SHEM an idea of what topics/speakers to search out for the new year.

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