Friday, October 30, 2009

SHEM Student Fair...SUCCESS!

History Fair entry.

Getting a science lesson from participant with a robot.

New category - Duct Tape Art. (WALL-E with recycled parts.)

Student drawing.

More student drawings.

The parents take a look at their children's successes.

1 comment:

  1. I thought the fair was a great success again this year. This is the 2nd year we have entered and attended. My daughter was delighted that she was recognized with ribbons for her creative work during the school year. She was able to show her grandparents what she has been doing and it was neat to see them encourage her in her abilities. It was very fun to look at all the talent we have in our local homeschool community. Thanks so much for all the time and effort everyone put into the fair. We appreciate you offering this awesome event every year!!

    Lindsey Essary
